FLI Application FREEDOM LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE SPRING 2019 APPLICATION Name* First Last Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Email* How did you hear about the Freedom Leadership Institute?*Are currently a member at Freedom Church?* Yes No Where do you currently attend church and for how long have you been there?*How long have you been attending Freedom Church?*Tell us about when you came to know Jesus as your Lord & Savior.*Do you currently serve on a team at Freedom Church? If Yes, where do you serve?*Have you ever been in a Freedom or Refuge Life Group?* Yes No Who was your life group leader?Are you currently working?* Yes No Where do you work?Does your job allow for flexibility to be present during all of our required meeting times?Are you currently in school?* Yes No Where do you attend school?Do your Spring Semester classes allow you availability to be present during all of our required meeting times?Can you provide us with THREE character references to tell us more about you? (Must include: 1 pastor/ church leader recommendation and 2 personal recommendations)* Yes No Name (Pastor)*How do you know them? (Pastor)*How long have you known them? (Pastor)*Phone (Pastor)*Name #1*How do you know them? #1*How long have you known them? #1*Phone #1*Name #2*How long have you known them? #2*How do you know them? #2*Phone #2*Upload a 60 second video telling us why YOU want to be an intern at Freedom Church to Youtube or Vimeo. Insert the link below* Δ