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Essential 4: New Identity in Christ

Because of Jesus we can be adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters. As the one mediator between God and humanity, his substitutionary death on the cross pays the penalty between of our past, present, and future sins and offers his righteousness in exchange. Jesus has defeated death, justified all believers, redeemed us for His purpose, and given us a new identity in His family.

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Essential 3: Grace, Truth & the Human Condition

Though mankind was created in the image of a holy God and begins with health and wholeness, our disobedience has infected our relationship with our creator, other image-bearers and His creation. Because of sin, the human condition has become one of struggle, suffering and death, if left without a cure.

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Essential 1: The Three-Person God

Jesus believed in The Three-Person God. Even though it is impossible to fully comprehend the Godhead, there is only one eternal God. Often referred to a the Trinity, God reveals Himself to be one in three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

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