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Essential 5: Walking by the Spirit

God hates sin because sin hurts people - including you! Walking by the Spirit means that we commit to live righteously and honor God with our choices, conduct and behavior. When we ignore sin in our life the Holy Spirit is personally grieved. Your Father wants you to overcome all temptation, just like His Son Jesus, and experience the closeness of walking with Him.

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Essential 6: Empowered by the Spirit

Jesus promised that He wouldn't leave us alone, but send the Holy Spirit to help us. The Holy Spirit dwells in all believers and helps us become like Christ. He empowers us with the same Spirit and power of Jesus so we that we can do all that God has called us to do.

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Essential 7: Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings or resentment or vengeance towards a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they deserve it. As we walk in Christ’s forgiveness for our sin, the Holy Spirit helps us extend mercy and grace to others.

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Essential 8: Disciplined Discipleship

Spiritual disciplines are proactive approaches to seeking God and growing in our relationship with Him. Habits that attempt to empty ourselves of carnal desires and deny the flesh have historically been ways that believers draw close to Christ. Examples of spiritual disciplines: meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, and celebration.

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