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Class 1 Does God have a plan?

Let’s tackle a big question: Does God really have a plan for all this mess? It starts with reflecting on those days when every news update seemed to scream about the world going downhill. But then, flipping through the pages of Genesis, where it all began, we see that things were actually pretty good at…

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Class 10 What is the church?

A true biblical church embodies the essence of God’s household, serving as a spiritual family united by faith and love. As the “household of God,” believers come together in fellowship, worship, and service, cultivating an atmosphere of warmth, acceptance, and mutual support. This concept is beautifully illustrated in Ephesians 2:19, which declares that believers are…

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Class 2 What is Discipleship?

Being a disciple of a rabbi in Jesus’ time was a deeply transformative and immersive experience. Discipleship involved much more than simply learning religious teachings; it encompassed a holistic way of life centered around the rabbi’s teachings and example. Discipleship was characterized by a close, intimate relationship between the rabbi and his disciples. Disciples lived…

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Class 3 How can we trust the Bible?

10 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus   1. Christ’s Triumphant Ride into Jerusalem “Rejoice greatly, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey – even on a donkey’s colt.” (Zechariah 9:9) Fulfillment by…

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Class 4 Who is God the Father?

The doctrine of the Trinity, one of the foundational tenets of Christian theology, describes the nature of God as three distinct persons — the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit — in one divine essence. This concept, while not explicitly named in the Bible, is supported by various scriptural passages that depict…

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Class 5 Who is God the Son?

In Christianity, the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and fully divine is central to its theology and worldview. Colossian 1:15 declares, “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, **16 **for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms…

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Class 6 Who is God the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit, often overlooked or misunderstood, is not merely an impersonal force, but a fully divine and personal entity within the Christian faith. As the third person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit is God Himself actively present and working in the lives of believers. Scripture reveals the Holy Spirit as a comforting…

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Class 7 What is prayer?

In Luke 11, Jesus offers his disciples the Lord’s Prayer as a model for prayer. He emphasizes the importance of persistence in prayer, urging them to keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Jesus assures them of God’s willingness to respond to their prayers, stating, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will…

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Class 8 What is worship?

The parable of the Good Samaritan, as taught by Jesus, highlights the importance of loving others as ourselves. In this story, a Samaritan demonstrates compassion and care for a stranger in need, while others pass by without offering assistance. Jesus uses this parable to illustrate that true love extends beyond societal boundaries and requires action.…

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Class 9 What is water baptism?

Christian water baptism holds profound symbolism within the Christian faith, representing a transformative spiritual experience. It signifies a believer’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As described in Corinthians, baptism is likened to a burial in water, symbolizing the death of the old self and the emergence of a new creation.…

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