4 Steps to Sharing Your Testimony
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” -…
Essential 12: Spiritual Warfare
Disciples of Jesus have three enemies: our old nature, the world’s temptations, and demonic forces. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome all challenges, temptations and attacks, but we must first understand the victory and authority we have in Christ. What lives in the dark, dies in the light.
Essential 11: Serving and Giving
Jesus continues to live out his life on Earth through His corporate body, the Church. The “Body of Christ” is not just a figure of speech but conveys the reality that Christ lives through His people. Together God’s people extend the life of Jesus to the world. When we serve others we show that God loves them and we show God that we love Him.
Essential 10: Ministry Gifts
The Holy Spirit is the giver of all gifts. He gives ministry abilities called “Spiritual Gifts” to all believers so they can contribute to the family of God and mission to the world. The church operates as the body of Christ when each person seeks to function in accordance with their gifts.
Essential 9: The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
All of Jesus preaching and ministry can be summed up in the announcement “The kingdom of God is at hand.” (Mark 1:15) Heaven has invaded earth and love is reducing broken lives out of the darkness. Joining the cause of Jesus means standing up for those that can’t stand for themselves with Biblical justice and taking back territory from the enemy for the kingdom of God.
Essential 8: Disciplined Discipleship
Spiritual disciplines are proactive approaches to seeking God and growing in our relationship with Him. Habits that attempt to empty ourselves of carnal desires and deny the flesh have historically been ways that believers draw close to Christ. Examples of spiritual disciplines: meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, and celebration.
Essential 7: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings or resentment or vengeance towards a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they deserve it. As we walk in Christ’s forgiveness for our sin, the Holy Spirit helps us extend mercy and grace to others.
Essential 6: Empowered by the Spirit
Jesus promised that He wouldn’t leave us alone, but send the Holy Spirit to help us. The Holy Spirit dwells in all believers and helps us become like Christ. He empowers us with the same Spirit and power of Jesus so we that we can do all that God has called us to do.
Essential 5: Walking by the Spirit
God hates sin because sin hurts people – including you! Walking by the Spirit means that we commit to live righteously and honor God with our choices, conduct and behavior. When we ignore sin in our life the Holy Spirit is personally grieved. Your Father wants you to overcome all temptation, just like His Son Jesus, and experience the closeness of walking with Him.
Essential 4: New Identity in Christ
Because of Jesus we can be adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters. As the one mediator between God and humanity, his substitutionary death on the cross pays the penalty between of our past, present, and future sins and offers his righteousness in exchange. Jesus has defeated death, justified all believers, redeemed us for His purpose, and given us a new identity in His family.
Essential 3: Grace, Truth & the Human Condition
Though mankind was created in the image of a holy God and begins with health and wholeness, our disobedience has infected our relationship with our creator, other image-bearers and His creation. Because of sin, the human condition has become one of struggle, suffering and death, if left without a cure.
Essential 2: The Bible is Trustworthy
The Scriptures of the old and New Testament are the uniquely inspired revelation of God. the Bible is the Tested, timeless and timely standard of truth in all matters of faith and practice.
Essential 1: The Three-Person God
Jesus believed in The Three-Person God. Even though it is impossible to fully comprehend the Godhead, there is only one eternal God. Often referred to a the Trinity, God reveals Himself to be one in three persons – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.